Friday, May 22, 2009

20090521 Taiwan Labor Group Protest against Apple's Sweatshop Factory


Time: 21 May 2009 (Thursday) AM10: 00 (about 60 people)

Place: Apple Computer Taiwan

(No.333, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da-an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)

Contact: Chu Wei-Li (0981-238-732)

English Contact: Torrent Pien (

Global financial crisis remains serious all over the world but Apple
Computer made an extremely big profit increase by 15% at Q1 '09
compared to the last quarter. However, the truth is that the big
profit Apple made has been proved to be the result of exploiting the
workers not only in Taiwan but also in mainland China.

WINTEK (Owner: Huang Hsien-Hsiung, Address: No.10, Jianguo Rd., Tanzih
Township, Taichung County, Taiwan) is one of the major suppliers of
Apple Computer. The ranking of market share in small size mobile phone
panels and touch panels is No.1 in Taiwan and No.3 worldwide. In the
last couple months, WINTEK not only laid off but also exploited lots
of workers in Taiwan and mainland China.

In Dec. 2008, WINTEK laid off over 600 workers in Taiwan without any
notice in advance and kept cutting workers' salary, forcing unpaid
leaves on employees. Recently, WINTEK received big and urgent orders
and tried to force workers to do more job without any vacation or
overtime salary. The labour department of Taiwan government has
already found proofs of offenses during the inspection process on
WINTEK. Besides, WINTEK's factories in Dongguan also cut workers'
salary without any negotiation with them. Last but not the least, the
food there is too bad for people and WINTEK has illegally laid off 19
workers who joined the strike against the foul working condition.

Apple Computer and WINTEK made their profit by sacrificing labours'
basic rights and exploiting labours illegally. Labour organizations
worldwide can't stand aside for it and has started a campaign to
condemn WINTEK.

Labour organizations in Taiwan and WINTEK workers union will protest
on May 21st, 2009 at Apple Computer Taiwan and ask Apple / WINTEK to
promise to improve the working conditions before May 31st, 2009, "Stop
exploiting the labours across the Taiwan Strait."

Appeals / Demands

1. Apple must follow the international Supplier's Code of Conduct and
demand WINTEK to give the jobs back to the workers who were laid off
in Taiwan and mainland China, withdraw the lawsuit of defamation, and
promise no retaliation on workers.

2. Apple must follow the international Supplier's Code of Conduct to
demand WINTEK to improve its working condition immediately.

3. Apple must demand WINTEK to allow third-party labour unions or
organization to enter the factories to conduct inspections on its
working condition, explain the fact of the event in public and look
into the responsibility. Besides, Apple should review its order to
WINTEK based on the results of the inspection and WINTEK's

4. Apple must respect the will of the representatives of labours and
make direct talks with them. These representatives should be chosen by
WINTEK workers in Taiwan and mainland China.

Taiwan: National Federation of Independent Trade Unions, WINTEK
bargaining team, Solidarity Union, Youth labor union 95, Taiwan Labor
Information & Education Association, Confederation of Trade Union in
Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Tainan
County and Kaohsiung County.
HongKong: Globalization Monitor, SACOM, HKCTU, Labour Action China
Mainland China: China Worker Studies
Japan: Asian Pacific Workers Solidarty Links

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The mobile phone industry goes "green" ?

Is the mobile phone industry really turning itself green? Richard Wray of The Guardian asked.

There are some exemplary cases for supporting the "mobile-phone-go-green" story: a universal mobile phone charger to be introduced later in the year of 2009, and handsets with built-in solar panels from LG and Samsung.

In addition to these changes on the product level , "green" packaging, together with the use of soy-based inks instead of traditional dyes, is expected to come. So far so good.

This said, it is also suggested this "go-green' story is still far from satisfying, for many of the stakeholders of the mobile phone industry:

However, the mobile phone industry has a long way to go before it can count itself as "green", because the industry retains customers by throwing ever shinier mobile phones at them, based on replacement cycles of one to two years.

Ultimately, "green" phones need to be accompanied with proper recycling programmes. Steps are being taken - just ask your operator how you can dispose of your old handset in an environmentally friendly way - but too many old mobiles are still cropping up in landfill sites in the developing world.

To the e-waste problem, how the mobile phone industry could work out industry-wide solutions, as shown in the case of the universal charger, remains a mystery now. But in the mobile phone industry the recycling programmes will be very likely a central concern in the coming future for the major players.

Even so, there seems nothing special in this "go-green" story. Compared with its counterpart in the beverage industry, carbon labeling is so far a non-issue. Moreover, as far as I know, no incumbent in this industry reported explicit commitments for carbon reduction on production and/or logistics processes (indeed, I hope I am wrong), but commitments of this kind have already been business as usual in the PC industry. For the mobile phone industry as a whole, the "greening" of supply chains might belong to the next chapter of the story, at least for now.

What is more interesting in this story could come from an unexpected corner. ZTE, China's biggest handset manufacturer, with its solar-powered base station and $40 solar-powered mobile phone for the poor in the emerging markets, could put itself into a position to build up competitive advantage by providing affordable "green telecom" solutions for the bottom of the pyramid of the world.

Yet, similar attempts on the BOP markets had been made before, and the experience suggests whether this business strategy could link with social enterprise initiatives such as Grameen Telecom would determine significantly the very nature and degree of its potential "social impacts," and thus its business bottom line.

Will ZTE do this? It is not clear. But under the pressure of the serious economic downturn in the developed economies the mobile phone industry needs to search for new markets and new products. As such bringing "green telecom services" to millions without reliable power supplies shall never be regarded as a trivial enterprise, even from a conventional business perspective. And hopefully the affordable "green telecom" could re-define the terms of CSR in the mobile phone industry for the next decade, or even beyond.

Sunday, November 02, 2008







「社會事業」(social business),如同因他而聞名的「微型貸款」,正是尤弩斯致力推廣的新機制之一。他概念中的「社會事業」,與台灣最近兩三年通行的「社會企業」(social enterprise),在基本特點上相同,都是以解決特定社會問題為目標而設立的營利組織。只是,尤弩斯堅持「社會事業」不對投資者分配紅利,完全保留盈餘用於落實其社會使命。這使得尤弩斯的「社會事業」,成為廣義的「社會企業」之下的一種特殊類型。問題是,尤弩斯為何堅持必須如此?




Friday, September 05, 2008



刊登於中國時報, 2008/08/24,時論廣場

  前總統的海外密帳醜聞,不論是否確實涉及企業政治獻金和政策調整間的對價交易,已 嚴重傷害台灣的國際形象,更使台灣知名大型企業也陷入高度不確定的經營風險。貪腐疑雲影響所及,絕非止於一人、一家、一黨的命運,而卻是全民對公共治理機 構的信任,以及未來 國際市場對台灣企業的商業倫理的信心。如政治部門缺乏積極的補救行動與制度變革,台灣必然會在國際組織的國家貪腐指標與公司治理評等中,遭遇更多的負面評 價。面對這情勢,任何有責任意識的政府與政黨,都沒有絲毫藉口縱容黨派利益的計算妨礙社會公義的實現。
  我們欣見主要政黨再度重申對陽光政治改 革的承諾,但也要提醒:對延宕已久的陽光法案從速、從嚴立法,對既有的陽光法案徹底落實執行,雖是重建社會信任與市場信心的基本功課,但卻是不足的。在防 堵權錢交易的問題上,台灣目前以推動陽光政治為核心的改革議程,對貪腐問題的認知,總存在著「政治中心主義」的盲點,而忽略了「一個巴掌拍不響」的明顯事 實。強化政治部門的自我規範,降低公職人員收賄的誘因,是解決方案的一部分,但如果我們不同時減少企業行賄的動機和需要,不把杜絕企業賄賂也放進貪腐治理 的議程中,我們的陽光政治改革就絕對稱不上完備。
  如果能確認防杜企業賄賂行為乃是貪腐治理的基本面向,那我們就該承認,法務部呼籲「企業自 首」,僅是個案式的事後處置,而且在當前的政治情勢下,恐將迫使社會與企業繼續淪為政黨惡鬥魔咒的俘虜,就算拋開股市動盪、金融失序的潛在風險不論,於杜 絕企業賄賂的制度建構,於社會信任與企業競爭力的持續提升,也顯然幫助有限。在此,政府部門應特別注意晚近國際社會將反貪視為企業社會責任基本元素的新興 趨勢。從國際透明組織(TI)與社會責任國際(SAI )共同制訂的「商業反賄賂守則」、聯合國的「全球盟約」,到世界 經濟論壇的「反貪腐夥伴倡議」(PACI)和電子業企業公民聯盟(E ICC),均一致要求企業不應以任何直接或間接的方式行賄或提供賄賂,並對企業反貪腐提出行動指南。政府部門應認知到:在經濟全球 化的時代,如何協助企業有效管理貪腐議題所蘊涵的商業風險,不但攸關企業的永續經營,也是提升國家競爭力的重要基石。
  然而,政府如果希望企業 界能在反貪腐議題上承擔起應有的社會責任,就必須利用基於市場運作的獎懲機制,來主動為企業創造免於貪腐的經營環境。對此,政府首先應參考相關的企業責任 國際標準,針對上市櫃公司,在反賄賂政策、賄賂風險管理措施、員工反賄訓練,以及企業政治獻金和政策遊說等事項上,擬定有效的資訊強制揭露規範。同時,也 可考慮由獨立第三方團體建立企業貪腐指標,定期公布結果提供金融投資機構及社會大眾參考,並要求勞退基金等公共退休 基金列入篩選投資對象的依據。
   統而言之,陽光是最好的消毒劑。政府與各政黨在處理政治貪腐問題時,必須把陽光也照射到企業界,讓台灣不但在將來可洗刷「國恥」,躍居東亞政治最廉潔的 國家,也能成為關切公司治理的國際投資者普遍讚許的「乾淨商業」新典範,以台灣為驗證「乾淨的生意是好 生意」格言的最佳場所之一。

反貪腐 企業同樣責無旁貸




政 治貪腐疑雲不斷擴散,使平日在社會責任方面表現積極的若干大型企業,形象重創,股價下跌,股東權益受損。這次的爭議,不論最終結果如何,至此已讓台灣企業 上了寶貴的一課。面對可能長期糾纏台灣的貪腐議題,企業界不但要尋求減低風險,維護企業聲譽的最佳實務,恐怕也必須嚴肅思考:在全社會關注的反貪腐議題 上,企業該承擔起怎樣的責任?


值得國內企業注意的是,反貪腐已經是晚近國際社會界定企業社會責任的基本元素。國際透明組織(Transparency International,TI)與社會責任國際(Social Accountability International,SAI)於2002年訂定了「商業反賄賂守則」,聯合國的「全球盟約」於2004年增列反貪腐項議題與準則,世界經濟論壇在同年發起「反貪腐夥伴倡議」(Partnering Against Corruption Initiative,PACI),電子業企業公民聯盟(Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition,EICC)也將反貪放進企業行為準則,要求廠商及其供應商一體遵循。世界主要企業一致支持的企業責任規範,無不要求企業不以任何直接 或間接方式行賄或賄賂,並對反貪腐採取積極行動。台灣企業應認知到:在經濟全球化的時代,有效管理貪腐議題所蘊含的商業風險,已是攸關企業永續經營的大 事。

對公民社會團體,我們需特別指出:防杜企業賄賂行為,乃是貪腐治理的基本面向。此刻,要求陽光法案從速、從嚴立法的民間呼聲再度高 揚。推動陽光政治改革來防堵權錢交易,當然是解決貪腐問題的不二途徑,不過,一個巴掌拍不響;行賄的企業,與收賄的政客一樣,都是破壞社會信任與市場公平 的超級病毒。政治腐化,絕非依靠政治部門自我立法規範即可妥善解決,我們須從受賄與行賄兩個方面同時著力,把杜絕企業賄賂也放進貪腐治理的議程中。


最 後,我們則要呼籲政府,應高度重視今年「臺灣國際廉政研討會」的結論:「私營部門需承擔解決貪腐問題的共同責任,企業有能力也有義務共同參與,以創造免於 貪腐的經營環境。」對法務部今年3月擬定的「推動企業誠信及倫理實施方案」,不但要徹底落實,更應加速步伐。方案中關於建立企業貪腐指標,定期公布結果提 供金融投資機構及社會大眾參考的設想,尤需優先推動,甚而要求勞退基金等公共退休基金列入篩選投資對象的依據。

此外,為擴大成效,我們建 議政府相關單位與各政黨,應參考相關國際規範,立法強制上市櫃公司公開揭露其反賄賂政策、賄賂風險管理措施、員工反賄訓練,以及企業所提供的政治獻金和所 進行的政策遊說等資訊,如此才能創造民間團體和投資大眾有效監督企業貪腐的完整制度環境。反貪腐,政府應該有系統性的思考;相反地,如只是滿足於個案式的 「企業自首」,則將迫使社會與企業都繼續陷入政黨惡鬥的深淵,危害社會信任與企業競爭力的提升。

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Corporate Law and Governance: USA: California: directors' duties and corporate social responsibility
(1) The long-term and the short-term interests of the corporation and its shareholders.
(2) The effects that the corporation’s actions may have in the short term or in the long term upon any of the following:

* The prospects for potential growth, development, productivity, and profitability of the corporation.
* The economy of the state and the nation.
* The corporation’s employees, suppliers, customers, and creditors.
* Community and societal considerations.
* The environment.
美國加州州議員 Mark Leno 在州議會提出了2944號法案,希望藉由重新界定「公司的最佳利益」,授權公司董事在決策時可以考慮到社會責任事項。



Bill 2944 does not go as far as the UK Companies Act (2006)

in the way he considers, in good faith, would be most likely to promotethe success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole,and in doing so have regard (amongst other matters) to: (a) the likely consequences of any decision in the long term, (b) the interests of the company's employees, (c) the need to foster the company's business relationships with suppliers, customers and others, (d) the impact ofthe company's operations on the community and the environment, (e) thedesirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct, and (f) the need to act fairly as between members
of the company.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


2008年8月5日,綠黨的秘書長潘翰聲與台灣環境行動網的秘書長潘翰疆,聯名在蘋果論壇發表「大企業美化形象遮蔽嚴重污染」 的公開評論 (在 TEAN 的網站上,尚有許多友達與宵裡溪的新聞資料),讓這個CSR議題又浮現在眼前。


企業是否可以跟其利害相關者對話,是個 決定企業的 CSR 政策是消極被動還是積極進取的關鍵環節,也是決定一個公司是否能成為現代企業公民的基本門檻。從網路上所找到的若干資訊,似乎支持著潘漢聲、潘漢疆文章中 關於政府機構間接幫企業解套的見解(參見:今年11月即將到期的排放 許可,環保署以電腦系統更新為由,公告各地方環保局,污染事業排放許可證自動展延至98年底。在政府法規管制運作鬆弛的情形下,企業選擇「保持沈默」,變 成可理解的「理性」決策,卻也使得利害相關者的意見淪為「狗吠火車」,造成公民社會監督機制失靈。

該怎麼辦呢?回頭查閱勞退基金監理會網站上的基金投資公開資訊,看到友達是96年勞退基金股票投資的前五大企業之一;如果今年沒有出清的話,那麼勞退基金應該是友達的大股東。SRI 倡議的主要作用之一,就在於為金融市場建立更合理而周全的風險評估工具。友達的故事裡,蘊含著多少潛在的CSR風險?更進一步來看,勞退基金既然作出社會責任投資的政策宣示,友達的案例,是否會成為負面表列型 SRI 在台灣實踐的試金石?又或者,政府法規管制運作鬆弛,也會造成負面表列SRI操作的失靈?

當然,SRI 投資機構在依據負面表列 SRI 準則啟動投資排除之前,一般而言,通常是會展開以與企業溝通特定CSR 議題和政策為內容的積極股東行動。這種投資者的積極股東行動,從另一個角度來說,也是企業的利害相關者參與的一種型態。此一型態的利害相關者參與,在台灣 有無成功的機會,將是個值得密切觀察的動向。